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Table of Contents:

Exercise 0: Connect to your Virtual Machine

As you make your way through this lab, look out for this icon. user input Whenever you see it, it's time for you to perform an action.

To save you the trouble of having to install all of the software we're working with in this lab on your laptop, we've set up OCI virtual machines in the cloud for you to work with. The first step is connecting to your virtual machine via SSH.

a. Ensure you are connected to the internet. b. user input Download this SSH key to your Desktop, or copy it into a file on your desktop from here:


c. Open a terminal and modify the permissions of the downloaded key:

user input

chmod 400 ~/Desktop/key.txt

d. Connect to your assigned VM via its IP address:

user input

ssh -i ~/Desktop/key.txt -L 3000:localhost:3000 opc@<IP address>

Note that we're also setting up SSH port-forwarding on port 3000 to your VM. You will use this later to access one of the examples using the your browser on your laptop.

Exercise 1: GraalVM

There are a lot of different parts to GraalVM, so while you may have heard of it, there are almost certainly things that it can do that you don't know about yet. In this exercise we'll go through some of the diverse features of GraalVM and show you what they can do for you.

0. Setup

In this exercise, we'll be using materials from the following article:

You may want to clone the code onto your lab VM to help you follow along:

user input

git clone

You have connected to the OCI Developer Cloud Image which contains the Enterprise Edition of GraalVM 19.0.0 This gives us the Java and JavaScript languages.

To ensure that the Graal versions will be used by default when invoking java, js, or node, update your $PATH as follows:

user input

export PATH=/opt/graalvm/graalvm-ee-19.0.0/bin:$PATH

You can verify that the Graal versions will be used with the following commands:

user input

java -version

Should output:

java version "1.8.0_212"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_212-b31)
Java HotSpot(TM) GraalVM EE 19.0.0 (build 25.212-b31-jvmci-19-b01, mixed mode)

Should output:

user input

js --version

Should output:

GraalVM JavaScript (GraalVM EE Native 19.0.0)

user input

node --version:graalvm
GraalVM Polyglot Engine Version 19.0.0
GraalVM Home /opt/graalvm/graalvm-ee-19.0.0
  Installed Languages:
    JavaScript version 19.0.0
    LLVM       version 19.0.0
    Python     version 3.7.0
    Ruby       version 2.6.2
  Installed Tools:
    CPU Sampler             version 0.4.0
    CPU Tracer              version 0.3.0
    Heap Allocation Monitor version 0.1.0
    Chrome Inspector        version 0.1
    Memory Tracer           version 0.2

1. High-performance modern Java

The Graal name in the GraalVM comes from the GraalVM compiler. GraalVM is one compiler to rule them all, meaning that it's a single implementation of a compiler written as a library which can be used for many different things. For example we use the GraalVM compiler to compile both ahead-of-time and just-in-time, to compile multiple programming languages, and to multiple architectures.

One simple way to use GraalVM is to use it as your Java JIT compiler.

We'll use this example program, which gives you the top-ten words in a document. It uses modern Java language features like streams and collectors.

import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Function;

public class TopTen {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
                .flatMap(line ->"\\b")))
                .map(word -> word.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z]", ""))
                .filter(word -> word.length() > 0)
                .map(word -> word.toLowerCase())
                .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()))
                .sorted((a, b) -> -a.getValue().compareTo(b.getValue()))
                .forEach(e -> System.out.format("%s = %d%n", e.getKey(), e.getValue()));

    private static Stream<String> fileLines(String path) {
        try {
            return Files.lines(Paths.get(path));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


GraalVM includes a javac compiler, but it isn't any different from the standard one for the purposes of this demo, so you could use your system javac instead if you wanted to.

user input


If we run the java command included in GraalVM we'll be automatically using the GraalVM JIT compiler - no extra configuration is needed. I'll use the time command to get the real, wall-clock elapsed time it takes to run the entire program from start to finish, rather than setting up a complicated micro-benchmark, and I'll use a large input so that we aren't quibbling about a few seconds here or there. The large.txt file is 150 MB.

user input

make large.txt

user input

time java TopTen large.txt
sed = 502500
ut = 392500
in = 377500
et = 352500
id = 317500
eu = 317500
eget = 302500
vel = 300000
a = 287500
sit = 282500

real	0m21.411s
user	0m30.780s
sys	0m1.224s

GraalVM is written in Java, rather than C++ like most other JIT compilers for Java. We think this allows us to improve it more quickly than existing compilers, with powerful new optimisations such as partial escape analysis that aren't available in the standard JIT compilers for HotSpot. This can make your Java programs run significantly faster.

To run without the GraalVM JIT compiler to compare, we can use the flag -XX:-UseJVMCICompiler. JVMCI is the interface between GraalVM and the JVM. You could also compare against your standard JVM as well.

user input

time java -XX:-UseJVMCICompiler TopTen large.txt
sed = 502500
ut = 392500
in = 377500
et = 352500
id = 317500
eu = 317500
eget = 302500
vel = 300000
a = 287500
sit = 282500

real	0m32.080s
user	0m32.719s
sys	0m0.490s

This shows GraalVM running our Java program in around two-thirds of the wall-clock (real) time it takes to run it with a standard HotSpot compiler. In an area where we are used to treating single-digit percentage increases in performance as significant, this is a big-deal.

You'll still get a result better than HotSpot if you use the Community Edition, but it won't be quite as a good as the Enterprise Edition.

Twitter are one company using GraalVM in production today, and they say that for them it is paying off in terms of real money saved. Twitter are using GraalVM to run Scala applications - GraalVM works at the level of JVM bytecode so it works for any JVM language.

This is the first way you can use GraalVM - simply as a drop-in better JIT compiler for your existing Java applications.

2. Low-footprint, fast-startup Java

The Java platform is particularly strong for long-running processes and peak performance, but short-running processes can suffer from longer startup time and relatively high memory usage.

For example, if we run the same application with a much smaller input - around 1 KB instead of 150 MB, then it seems to take an unreasonably long time, and quite a lot of memory at 70 MB, to run for such a small file. We use -l to print the memory used as well as time used.

user input

make small.txt

user input

/usr/bin/time -v java TopTen small.txt   # -l on Mac instead of -v
sed = 6
sit = 6
amet = 6
mauris = 3
volutpat = 3
vitae = 3
dolor = 3
libero = 3
tempor = 2
suscipit = 2
	Command being timed: "java TopTen small.txt"
	User time (seconds): 0.39
	System time (seconds): 0.04
	Percent of CPU this job got: 168%
	Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.26
	Average shared text size (kbytes): 0
	Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0
	Average stack size (kbytes): 0
	Average total size (kbytes): 0
	Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 76116

GraalVM gives us a tool that solves this problem. We said that GraalVM is like a compiler library and it can be used in many different ways. One of those is to compile ahead-of-time, to a native executable image, instead of compiling just-in-time at runtime. This is similar to how a conventional compiler like gcc works.

user input

native-image --no-server TopTen
[topten:37970]    classlist:   1,801.57 ms
[topten:37970]        (cap):   1,289.45 ms
[topten:37970]        setup:   3,087.67 ms
[topten:37970]   (typeflow):   6,704.85 ms
[topten:37970]    (objects):   6,448.88 ms
[topten:37970]   (features):     820.90 ms
[topten:37970]     analysis:  14,271.88 ms
[topten:37970]     (clinit):     257.25 ms
[topten:37970]     universe:     766.11 ms
[topten:37970]      (parse):   1,365.29 ms
[topten:37970]     (inline):   3,829.55 ms
[topten:37970]    (compile):  34,674.51 ms
[topten:37970]      compile:  41,412.71 ms
[topten:37970]        image:   2,741.41 ms
[topten:37970]        write:     619.13 ms
[topten:37970]      [total]:  64,891.52 ms

This command produces a native executable called topten. This executable isn't a launcher for the JVM, it doesn't link to the JVM, and it doesn't bundle the JVM in any way. native-image really does compile your Java code, and any Java libraries you use, all the way down to simple machine code. For runtime components like the garbage collector we are running our own new VM called the SubstrateVM, which like GraalVM is also written in Java.

If we look at the libraries which topten uses you can see they are only standard system libraries. We could also move just this one file to a system which has never had a JVM installed and run it there to verify it doesn't use a JVM or any other files. It's also pretty small - this executable is less than 8 MB.

user input

ldd topten    # otool -L topten on Mac =>  (0x00007ffe1555b000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f6bda7c6000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f6bda5aa000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f6bda3a6000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f6bda190000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f6bd9f88000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f6bd9d51000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f6bd9983000)
	/lib64/ (0x00007f6bdaac8000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f6bd9780000)
$ du -h topten 
7.2M  topten

If we run the executable we can see that it starts around an order of magnitude faster, and uses around an order of magnitude less memory, than running the same program on the JVM does. It's so fast that you don't notice the time taken when using it at the command line - you don't feel that pause you always get when running a short-running command with the JVM.

user input

/usr/bin/time -v ./topten small.txt
sed = 6
sit = 6
amet = 6
mauris = 3
volutpat = 3
vitae = 3
dolor = 3
libero = 3
tempor = 2
suscipit = 2
	Command being timed: "./topten small.txt"
	User time (seconds): 0.00
	System time (seconds): 0.00
	Percent of CPU this job got: 50%
	Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 0:00.00
	Average shared text size (kbytes): 0
	Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0
	Average stack size (kbytes): 0
	Average total size (kbytes): 0
	Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 6192

The native-image tool has some restrictions such as all classes having to be available during compilation, and some limitations around reflection. It has some additional advantages over basic compilation as well in that static initializers are run during compilation, so you can reduce the work done each time an application loads.

This is a second way that you can use GraalVM -- as a way to distribute and run your existing Java programs with a low-footprint and fast-startup. It also frees you from configuration issues such as finding the right jar files at runtime, and allows you to have smaller Docker images.

3. Polyglot: Combine JavaScript, Java, and R

As well as Java, GraalVM includes new implementations of JavaScript, Ruby, R and Python. These are written using a new language implementation framework called Truffle that makes it possible to implement language interpreters that are both simple and high performance. When you write a language interpreter using Truffle, Truffle will automatically use GraalVM on your behalf to give you a JIT compiler for your language. So GraalVM is not only a JIT compiler and ahead-of-time native compiler for Java, it can also be a JIT compiler for JavaScript, Ruby, R and Python.

The languages in GraalVM aim to be drop-in replacements for your existing languages. For example we can install a Node.js module:

user input

npm install color
+ color@3.1.1
added 6 packages from 6 contributors and audited 7 packages in 6.931s

We can write a little program using this module to convert an RGB HTML color to HSL:

var Color = require('color');

process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function (val) {

Then we can run that in the usual way:

user input

node color.js '#42aaf4'
hsl(204.89999999999998, 89%, 60.8%)

The languages in GraalVM work together - there's an API which lets you run code from one language in another. This lets you write polyglot programs - programs written in more than one language.

You might want to do this because you want to write the majority of your application in one language, but there's a library in another language's ecosystem that you'd like to use. For example, JavaScript doesn't have a great solution for arbitrarily-large integers. I found several modules like big-integer but these are all inefficient as they store components of the number as JavaScript floating point numbers. Java's BigInteger class is more efficient so let's use that instead to do some arbitrarily-large integer arithmetic.

JavaScript also doesn't include any built-in support for drawing graphs, where R does include excellent support for this. Let's use R's svg module to draw a 3D scatter plot of a trigonometric function.

In both cases we can use GraalVM's polyglot API, and we can just compose the results from these other languages into JavaScript.

First, let's install the express npm package:

user input

npm install express

Next, let's run the following program:

user input

const express = require('express')
const app = express()

const BigInteger = Java.type('java.math.BigInteger')

app.get('/', function (req, res) {
  var text = 'Hello World from Graal.js!<br> '

  // Using Java standard library classes
  text += BigInteger.valueOf(10).pow(100)
          .add(BigInteger.valueOf(43)).toString() + '<br>'

  // Using R interoperability to create graphs
  text += Polyglot.eval('R',
     x <- 1:100
     y <- sin(x/10)
     z <- cos(x^1.3/(runif(1)*5+10))
     print(cloud(x~y*z, main="cloud plot"))


app.listen(3000, function () {
  console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!')

user input

node --jvm --polyglot polyglot.js

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to see the result.


That's the third thing we can do with GraalVM - run programs written in multiple languages and use modules from those languages together. We think of this as a kind of commoditisation of languages and modules - you can use whichever language you think is best for your problem at hand, and whichever library you want, no matter which language it came from.

Exercise 2: Microservices: Creating your first Micronaut GraalVM application


Next we'll learn how to create a Hello World Micronaut Graal application. To get started, clone the git repository:

user input

git clone

Change directory to the complete subdirectory within the cloned repo:

cd micronaut-creating-first-graal-app/complete

0. Creating native image inside Docker

With this approach you only need to build the fatjar and then use Docker to build the native image.

Build the Graal fatjar:

user input

./gradlew assemble

Then build a docker image from it:

user input


The previous command will create the image micronaut-graal-app:latest. To execute it:

Execute the native image:

user input

docker run -p 3000:8080 --name=micronaut micronaut-graal-app &
10:29:46.845 [main] INFO  io.micronaut.runtime.Micronaut - Startup completed in 12ms. Server Running: http://localhost:8080

We can see that the application starts in only 12ms in this example (actual time will vary).

1. SetupSending a request

From another terminal, you can run a few cURL requests to test the application:

user input

time curl localhost:3000/conferences/random
real    0m0.016s
user    0m0.005s
sys     0m0.004s

Finally, kill the docker container:

user input

docker kill micronaut

user input

user input

Exercise 3: SpringBoot

This lab will focus on SpringBoot

0. First clone the sample SpringBoot Application

git clone

1. Compile and Run the application using GraalVM Native Image

cd spring-graal-native
./mvnw clean package
cd spring-graal-native-samples/spring-petclinic-jpa/
./ (takes a long time and require a lot of memory, it is not yet optimized)
./petclinic (first run can be slow like 1s, next ones are less than 0.2s, again it is not optimized yet)

2. Launch Application in the browser

Go to http://localhost:8080/

Click on find owners menu

Click on find owners button to see the list of owners

Click on veterinarians menu


You have seen GraalVM in action, Microservices with GraalVM and also how a SpringBoot application works with GraalVM

Appendix: VNC

If you'd like to connect to your VM graphically, follow these steps.

While connected to your VM via SSH, start the VNC server as follows:

user input


Set a password when prompted.

To connect graphically to the VNC server, you'll need a VNC client on your laptop. You can use whatever you have previously installed or you can use the VNC Viewer for Chrome that is extremely easy to install.

user input Log into your VM using the provided IP Address. The VNC port is 5901 so the server address you'll need to provide will look like n.n.n.n:5901

When prompted, enter the VNC password you set earlier.








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